I’ve been struggling to write something for the past few months. The most obvious reason is because I haven’t travelled in a very long while, which is the thing that inspires me the most. But also, the constant worries and anxiety that a pandemic brings – well, that does not help to come up with beautiful posts to write.
So instead, I have been trying to find other ways to inspire myself. Reading books, watching movies produced in languages other than English, while also dreaming and planning of what to do after the pandemic is over. I also realised that I have only written about my home country once, which was when Sunsets & tea started – my very first blog post. Now that the world closed in on me, and I had nowhere else to go, I needed to rediscover the place I call home. And although it’s only a tiny dot on the periphery of Europe, it’s the only place I’ve got right now.
Scrolling through my phone gallery for this past year, I can only find photos that portray images I’ve grown up with, but never cared to take a photo of. We’re lucky to be living on an island that has mostly beautiful weather, so that we can go out, soak up the sun and take in the landscapes we’re very much accustomed to.
So rather than bore you with my words, I thought that it would be best to show you my tiny little island, through my lens – a journey of my year in Malta..

How are you coping? What inspires you to keep going through these tough times? Let me know in the comments, or get in touch with me.
Keep going, we got this 😉